Friday, March 26, 2010

HOLY COW!!! I'm now a blogger again!

So it's been almost a year since I blogged! Not gonna lie, I'm not a very good blogger, I usually like to go through everyone else's blogs! But, truthfully I just didn't want to work for a minute so I'll take a break!!! So in other news, ummmmm.......WE HAD A BABY! And he's now almost 8 months old! So not too new of news! Koda is cute as a little button! He lights up as soon as anyone walks in the room or pays attention to him. He's HUGE for his age and he has massive hands and arms. I tell everyone that he takes after Grandpa Draper and his monkey arms!
We went to parent teacher conference yesterday and both of our kids got raving reviews!!! Gracie is an awesome little reader and Hagen is an awesome little mathematician! I have NO idea where he gets THAT cuz it sure didn't come from ME! Gracie talks too that one, I probably have a pretty good clue where she got that from!
WOW! Talk about random pictures! I just clicked on a few in my folders that had their names on it and this is what came up! Oh well, no one actually reads my blog anyway!!! But maybe I can be better and this stuff from now on!!!

Ummm, that's all for now, cuz really I have nothing else to say. I wish I was a better blogger like Melissa but I'm not as wonderful as a writer as she is! But maybe I'll practice! And I'm going to put up some random pictures because I don't think it's ok to blog without putting pictures with it! So that's all for today!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

GRACIE......Funny story!

So, I have a funny story about Gracie. Her very most favorite thing to do in the house is answer the phone. Well, she's been getting in a little bit of trouble lately because she talks to EVERYONE! I have to inform you that I HATE HATE HATE telemarketers. They are my biggest pet peeve! Well, little miss Gracie will carry on a whole conversation with them or anyone else that calls, but neglect to remember who it was that called. So if any of those phone calls were you and we never got your message....Gracie took the liberties on the phone.

I've got into this habit of either yelling at the stupid telemarketers or just hanging up on them. And Holy Bagonia's! WE'VE BEEN GETTING A LOT OF THEM! And it irks me silly when they call on Sunday's, so.....not all the time do we answer the phone on Sunday's. And I'll give someone TWO hello's, if they haven't answered by the second one, I hang up on them. I guess I need to break down and sign up for caller ID. I've been too cheap to buy it.

So here's how the story starts. Last Tuesday I was feeling horrible! I went home from work early and went straight to bed. Well, when Tyle got home I was in so much pain that I was bawling. And I'm not a cryer either. So he knew something was up. So he took me into the hospital where the nurse thought I had a bladder infection with mild contractions. They felt worse than mild!!! So they hooked me up to an IV and put some heavy antibiotics and a bunch of fluid through me and I was feeling better, but I still had this really bad pain on the right side in my back. Anyway, they discharged me and told me if I spiked a fever or had chills to come back in. SO THAT WAS THE FIRST DAY.

NOW........Gracie didn't have school Monday - Wednesday of last week so she was home to be my little nurse. She was watching cartoons in the front room and I hear the phone ring and she answered it. I didn't hear anything else. Then the phone rings again right after that. Then I didn't hear anything else again. Then the phone rings AGAIN and I hear, "MOM, DR. SHAMO'S ON THE PHONE! HURRY UP AND GET OUT OF BED MOM, DR. SHAMO'S ON THE PHONE! MOM! DID YOU HEAR ME? DR. SHAMO'S ON THE PHONE!" I could only imagine that that screaming was going directly into Dr. Shamo's ear. So I was tootling out there as fast as I could waddle. Well, long story short, I ended up BACK in the hospital and this was the story that Dr. Shamo told me......He said, "My, you have quite the little secretary at home don't you?" me - "Oh yes she is!" he said when he called this was how the conversation went:
Dr. Shamo: Hi, can I talk to your mom?
Gracie: Click!
Dr. Shamo on his SECOND phone call: Hi, can I talk to your mom?
Gracie: You're stupid! Click!
Dr. Shamo on his THIRD phone call: Hi, this is Dr. Shamo, is your mom home?
Gracie: The above mentioned screaming in his ear!

GO AHEAD.....ASK ME IF I WAS EMBARRASSED!!!! Ahhh, but it makes for a funny story anyway!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I just have to give a little HONK HONK shout out to Sydney Widdison from Logandale, NV. She bought pigs from us for the Clark County Stockshow and rocked the house! She won Grand Champion with her gilt! Congrats to Sydney and good job on finishing her and taking care of her! SHE LOOKED FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!

AND....on a side note, that was AWESOME advertisement and a GREAT show for our pigs to win for a little podunk farm like ours!!! We're going to St. George on Thursday, Spanish Fork next week, Delta the end of May, World Pork Expo in Iowa and Vernal the week after Delta. Hopefully the pig fairies and pig angels will stay with us and help us continue to do awesome!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Oops! My kids thought they were bad kids and that the Easter Bunny just skipped by our house! Well, let me preface this first by saying....I worked like 24 hours straight! On Saturday, I worked an overtime shift at IPP from 7 am to 5:30 pm and then I ran home for a little less than an hour and then went to work for my mom from 7 pm to 7 am. I told Tyle that he had to put the Easter stuff out and he said he was watering the fields all night long. I thought that it wouldn't be a big deal because I'll get home by about 7:30 and I'll put it out before the kids are awake. WRONG!!! I forget that Easter is kind of like Christmas and they were up and at em' early. They even called my mom at about 7:30, feeling very bad for themselves, explained that the Easter Bunny never showed up at our house. Mom....thinking fast, told them that He came, he probably just hid it so good they couldn't even find it yet.

On my way home I passed Tyle pulled off the side of the road in his truck and he was all slumped over the steering wheel. I honked - he didn't move. Had I not known he was up watering all night long, I would have thought, "Holy Crap! He's dead!" Who knows how long he'd been up! So I get home and am starting to set stuff up and hear two little fellers talking in my bedroom. I walk in there and there's two little kids almost in tears. I was like, "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING AWAKE???" I mean, DUH! I've got stuff to do! They were like, "Mom, were we bad this year? The Easter Bunny didn't even come to our house." I felt like crap and combined with absolute exhaustion - I had no clue what to do next! I told them to go out in the front room for a minute. I laid down for a minute and tried to think, next thing I know Tyle woke me up and was like, "JEEZ! WHERE'S THE EASTER STUFF?!?!?!?" Ask me if I wanted to kill him right at that moment! So, he took the kids up to the Hinckley station with him to go get some milk and I hurried as fast as I could and put everything out. When they got home, we FINALLY had Easter at about 10:30! Hagen was like, "MOM, did YOU do this or did the Easter Bunny really come?" I told him that the Easter Bunny really did come and he just got a little late on his route! He doesn't have reindeer like Santa Clause to get him around, ya know! Luckily, he's still young enough that he bought it! Whew!!!

The Easter Bunny left them a wii. They were totally stoked about it! Now, in a REAL world where I wasn't mother of the year, they NEVER would have gotten a wii for Easter, BUT the only reason they did was because.....I really WAS the mother of the year at Christmas time. I got them a wii for Christmas and it was their big present.....well guess what, I FORGOT to give it to them. We're sitting at mom and dad's on Christmas day and Zane asks Hagen if he got a wii and Hagen's like, "ummm, No!" and then all of a sudden it dawned on me that I'm an idiot and forgot all about it! So the wii waited until Easter. And they got to look for empty fake eggs and I also hid the candy, because we didn't have time the night before to boil and color eggs! I KNOW - I'M A HUGE SLACKER!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gracie just started playing soccer a few weeks ago. Not gonna lie, the first week she didn't have a clue what was going on. But this week she did awesome and scored her first goal! She thinks it's freakin' awesome that she gets to get in the middle of a bunch of kids and push and shove in the name of sports and not even get in trouble for it! Whew! wonder where that comes from....except seriously....who needs sports for that?!?! haha She is awesome and pretty darn aggressive for a first time soccer player! She also gets to start tee ball pretty soon too. She's been practicing with Hagen about every night and she's doing pretty darn good! She's also rockin' a new perm that is cuter than heck on her - when it's all done up cute and stuff!


So I don't really know how these pictures will come out, seeing as I'm still learning all this and stuff, but thought that I would do a couple posts about Hagen and another one on Gracie! I can brag if I want! It's my blog! So there!!!
This is Hagen wrestling in his little league tournament. He went undefeated this year in all his matches including the extra Bantam tournaments we took him to this year! Good job Hagen!!!
So, you have to hear this hilariously funny story about this kid that Hagen's wrestling! So the match starts off when the ref blows the whistle. Hagen's in his "stance" all crouched down and ready to pounce when the time is right, and all of a sudden this kid does a flying leap through the air and tries to land on Hagen's head. Hagen just sort of....steps to the side, gives the kid a weird look, and puts him in a head lock in about the first 10 seconds of the match. When he's on the ground he lets out this blood curdling scream that scared the heck out of Hagen. Hagen, not knowing what the heck he should do about this screaming kid underneath him, lets him up. Next, Hagen goes into make a move and puts a tight waist on this kid, he got him down and lands him in a cradle. So the kid starts kind of crying a little bit and the mom is telling him, "Roll, Jaden, Roll." and we hear this kid yell, "I'M ROLLING!" Then, Hagen's about got him pinned, and the mom tells him to roll again, and all of a sudden all you can see is this little feller's head sticking out from under Hagen, and he lets out another one of his blood curdling scream and then yells, "I'M ROLLING! QUIT YELLING AT ME!!!" We have this funny video that shows Hagen looking up at his dad and trying very hard not to bust out laughing, as was everyone on the sideline! When we got home that night, we took the video out and watched it, laughed our hiney's off, rewound it, watched it again, and laughed our hiney's off about 3 times! I felt kind of bad for the mom, cuz she was just trying to encourage him. But gosh! It sure made for a GREAT story!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

AND THE VERDICT IS...............................

So I have to start from the beginning of this whole story. It's pretty funny, I wish I had the video camera handy on a couple different occations! The first one was when we actually told the kids that we were having a baby. Gracie is a baby loving fool! She LOVES babies so logically I thought that they would be super duper excited. Boy was I wrong! Hagen's first reaction was, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh MOM!" Like I did something horribly wrong and then Gracie piped up - NOT quietly either - "I DON'T NEED NO MORE STINKIN' BROTHERS!" Well ok, thanks guys! But we don't know what it is yet! Then they perked up for a minute. After that the wait was on. Everyday they would ask, "So what is it mom, what is it?" Well we finally found out yesterday! I went to the school to get the kids since they were so excited to find out what it was that I thought they would be super excited to go to the ultrasound appointment. Well, when I got Hagen, he was right in the middle of recess so he said, "Oh just tell me what it is when you're done, I'm going to play football." OK, so I get Gracie and all the way over there she kept saying, "I know it's a girl, I know it's a girl!" So THE picture finally came up on the screen and the ultrasound feller said, "So, do you know what it is?" and I said, "HEY, IT'S A BOY!" Well, Gracie had some stuff in her hands and her face went immediately from happy to pissed off! She threw down whatever was in her hands on the floor got up off Tyle's lap and stomped out of the room. Tyle very patiently followed her out and said, "I guess we'll be back in a minute!" The ultrasound guy was like, "I take it she didn't want a brother, huh?" But WE were excited. We told Gracie she could be the one to tell Hagen and when we picked him up from school and Hagen asked a hundred times WHAT IS IT??? Gracie said in a very ticked off way and pouting all the while, "It's a freakin' BOY!"
I think we could've won $100,000 from Funniest Home Videos! Lesson for the day....always have a camera stocked and ready!
And the NEXT part of the story that we know it's a boy, his name is Cope!!! Since we already have a Hagen we'll now have Cope and Hagen!!! AWESOME, HUH?!?!?! I told my mom that and she almost had a heart attack!!! COPE IT IS!!!!!!!!!